ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2015

8 Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Set, version 1.1

8.1 Rationale

The Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Set (Archiving) defines elements and attributes that describe the content and metadata of journal articles, including research and non-research articles, letters, editorials, and book and product reviews. The Tag Set allows for descriptions of the full article content or just the article header metadata.

The intent of the Archiving and Interchange Tag Set is to preserve the intellectual content of journals independent of the form in which that content was originally delivered. This Tag Set enables an archive to capture structural and semantic components of existing material without modeling any particular sequence or textual format.

It was planned that Archiving could be used for conversion from a variety of journal source Tag Sets, with the intent of providing a single format:

In order to enable description of the content used by the wide array of publishers, repositories, aggregators, etc., the Tag Set uses many loose structures, including some elements with nearly all content structures optional. Many attribute values in the Tag Set are data character values, accommodating any source values. Because some article components are prescriptive in nature (article metadata (<article-meta>), for example, is a fairly specific sequence) the Archiving and Interchange Tag Set includes a few completely generic structures for capturing semantic tagging that is not available natively in the Tag Set. Although publication order cannot always be preserved, particularly within the metadata, the Archiving and Interchange Tag Set works harder than any of the other Tag Sets in this Suite to allow almost any publication arrangement and to allow re-tagging as renaming without rearrangement during conversion.

The Archiving and Interchange Tag Set has a distinct focus on conversion from multiple sources. That focus has made this Tag Set a large and inclusive one. Many elements have been created explicitly so that information tagged by publishers would not be discarded when they converted material from another Tag Set to this one (or one created from this Suite). Care has also been taken to provide several mechanisms (frequently, information classing attributes) to preserve the intellectual content of a document structure when that structure is converted from another Tag Set or schema to this one, even when there is no exact element equivalent of the structure.

The exact replication of the look and feel of any particular journal has not been a consideration. Therefore, many purely formatting mechanisms have not been included. At the same time, Archiving is intended to preserve observed content, without resorting to stylesheets or generation of textual elements. For that reason, labels, numbers, and symbols of tables, figures, sidebars, and the like can be recorded as elements, as can the punctuation and spaces inside bibliographic references and lists.

8.2 Scope

By design, this is a model for journal articles, such as the typical research article found in an STM journal, and not a model for complete journals. This Tag Set does not include an overarching model for a collection of articles. In addition, the following journal material is not described by this Tag Set:

8.3 Structural Overview

The Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Set defines a document that is a top-level component of a journal such as an article, a book or product review, or a letter to the editor. Each such document is composed of one or more parts; if there is more than one part, they must appear in the following order:

8.4 Elements

Each element in the Tag Set is listed and identified, and specifics of the model of the element in this Tag Set are provided.

Each element is identified with a <tag>, element name, and definition, as it is listed in Section 7, Tag Suite Components. Following that appears the modeling information specific to this Tag Set:

Note that for the convenience of the user these models are provided as non-normative XML DTDs, W3C XML Schemas (XSD), and as RELAX NG Schemas (RNGs), which may be found at

8.5 Attributes

Each attribute in this Tag Set is listed and identified, and specifics of the model of the attribute in this Tag Set are provided.

Each attribute is identified with a name, expanded information name, and definition, as it is listed in Section 7, Tag Suite Components. For some attributes a Usage section provides additional information on how the attribute is intended to be used or interpreted.

Following that appears the modeling information specific to this Tag Set. For attributes that are associated with only one element, or for which the usage is the same for all elements in the Tag Set, there appears:

If there is more than one element associated with an attribute in the Tag Set and those elements use the attribute differently (for example, one element provides a default value for the attribute and on other elements there is no default value), the specifics are repeated for each group of elements that has the same usage and values for the attribute.